NDCF Training Quiz

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 4 - Introduction / Contact Information

Welcome to SRN's NDCF Training Quiz.

The transition from paper forms to the NDCF is very worthwhile—but takes practice! This quiz is just one of the many tools techs can use to learn how to fill out the form correctly. (To find other tools, go to www.cpsboard.org/NDCF.)

The quiz will provide you with immediate feedback along with helpful hints—and your score doesn't matter—so there's zero pressure. As long as you learn more about using the digital form, you PASS!

The quiz was developed by Denise Donaldson for her local team, Car Safe Kids. Any CPST may use this quiz as a learning tool, but some of the "helpful hints" mention her team specifically. Quiz takers should check with their agency lead for their own agency-specific details.

NOTE: It will be helpful to look at version 6.0 of the National Digital Car Seat Check Form (NDCF) when taking the quiz. You can find the NDCF at www.carseatcheckform.org, and you can also download the free app, Car Seat Check Form, for iOS, Android, or Kindle devices. (Only those who have signed up for and been approved for an NDCF account may use the form; sign up at www.carseatcheckform.org.)